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600cc全讯白菜网学术报告 (2018053) ——地球物理•地质宫论坛

日期:2018-11-05 点击数:
报告题目 报告人

报告题目:Modeling scattering and intrinsic attenuation of reservoir-scale seismic data

报 告 人:Professor Michael Fehler





Scattering of seismic waves may cause a significant amount of apparent attenuation, particularly in regions having strong heterogeneity. I will give a basic overview of some methods that are used to characterize scattering in the Earth’s lithosphere. I will then describe the use of the radiative transfer method to model both intrinsic and scattering attenuation on the reservoir-scale. To solve the radiative transfer equation we assume that the medium can be described by a stationary random field and then use a particle based method where millions of particles are released from a source and scatter through the random medium according to the Born scattering coefficients. Intrinsic attenuation is modeled by assigning probabilities that the particles will die off on the path between scattering events. We apply the seismic particle method to reservoir-scale cross well seismic data. Our results indicate that scattering attenuation is one order of magnitude larger than intrinsic attenuation, a result that we interpret as a consequence of the highly heterogeneous nature of the rock comprising the reservoir. Our results show the importance of accounting for the scattering attenuation caused by small-scale heterogeneity when estimating attenuation from seismic data.


Michael Fehler received his Ph.D. in seismology from MIT in 1979. He is currently a Senior Research Scientist in the Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He was Project Manager for two projects of the SEG Advanced Modeling consortium that are focused on geophysical modeling. He was Editor-in-Chief of the Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America for nine years beginning in 1995 and president of the Seismological Society of America from 2005-2007. He has coauthored a book on seismic wave propagation and scattering that was published in 1998 and a second edition of the book in 2012. His interests include seismic imaging, reservoir characterization, seismic scattering, geothermal energy, and induced seismicity.


