
600cc全讯白菜网国际化示范基地之国际名师(澳大利亚昆士兰大学Lutz Gross博士)授课

日期:2019-10-24 点击数:

为了推动学生培养国际化,提升学科国际竞争力和声誉。在国际合作与交流处的大力支持下,600cc全讯白菜网引进海外优质教育资源,邀请澳大利亚昆士兰大学Lutz Gross博士为本科生及研究生讲授“Python3程序设计语言在数值模拟中的应用”课程。

课程时间:20191029-1031日 晚18:00-20:00



Lutz Gross博士现任澳大利亚昆士兰大学副教授,主要从事科学软件开发、并行计算、求解偏微分方程的数值方法、数值模拟等。


  Dr Gross will present an introduction into using the python3 programming language for numerical modeling and data analysis in geophysics. The objective of the course is to give students a basic understanding of the use of python to solve practical modeling problems. The course will be organized over three days. The first day will focus on python basic programming techniques such as functions, classes, lists, and dictionaries, the application of arrays and linear algebra using numpy & scipy and basic plotting functions with matplotlib. On the second day, the numerical modeling for key geophysical applications including gravity and magnetic fields, DC resistivity, magnetotellurics, stream potentials and seismic will be covered. The students will use the finite element solver esys-escript in python. On the third day advanced aspects will be discussed including the use of unstructured meshes, three-dimensional domains and some aspects of inversion. The course will be presented using Jupyter notebook giving students the opportunity to directly apply and test commands and solution strategy in the classroom. If needed, additional course may be presented.

